Wrinkles are bad.
Youth is beauty.
Never trust anyone over 30 40..
World domination is a young woman’s game.
A number, yes a number, was scaring ME –
The Numbers Whisperer®!
How could this BE?
Perhaps the world really IS coming to an end.
Or I could drag out my rose colored glasses and fire up that half full optimism. Here was a chance to relate to my audience, to my clients in a whole new way. A chance for a real life, soul baring look at my own fear taming.
Scary? Yes.
Intimidating? Absolutely.
Would I do it? Wild horses couldn’t stop me (although I’m not sure why they would want to…)
Deep breath – here we go!
40 is NOT the New 30
A number is a number. As much you might like to pretend it’s a different number, it hasn’t changed.
Yes I could tell myself, “People are always saying I look younger than I am.” Or “People live so much longer now.” Another common one, “Age is not a number.”
At this point my natural number loving soul kicks in. Age is calculated by the current year minus your birth year. That gives you a (drum roll please) NUMBER.
40 is my number, so I need to pull my head out of the sand and face it.
And that inner struggle gave me a clear insight into the fear and dread many have in facing their small business financials. They fear, perhaps even know, the number is not the one they desire.
Ignoring it won’t make it go away. Pretending it’s something else doesn’t work either. I’ve heard countless variations on the following justification game.
Well we didn’t really lose money this year. We reinvested our profits / tried some new ideas / had a learning curve / had a bad hire / left the dog in charge.
Step one in my quest to overcome the fear of turning 40 was to accept that I was turning 40.
Sounds easy, almost silly right? Now go back up to the justification quotes above. How often have you done that? How often have you failed to simply accept that your financials ARE accurate?
Accept reality. See your fear.
Now it’s time to DO something with that acceptance, which leads to …
Wrinkles, Mom Jeans and More
I’ve got wrinkles.
I don’t fit into the jeans I wore in high school anymore.
I have joints that occasionally creak.
These are some of the things many fear about turning 40. They are certainly clear reminders to me that I AM 40, whether or not I want to admit it.
I realized it was MY perspective that needed to be changed. To get rid of my fear of turning 40, I needed to look at all the little fears that made up my feelings.
Let’s take wrinkles. The common reaction to wrinkles is like spotting a mouse in the kitchen, “Eeek there’s a wrinkle! It’s going to contaminate me! I’m oooold!”
It was time for a fresh perspective on wrinkles. I realized that my wrinkles tell a story, they represent a lifetime of happy memories. Now when I do notice wrinkles I think to myself:
That wrinkle is from all the smiling I did the day I was married.
This wrinkle is from all the laughter I’ve shared with my friends.
That wrinkle is from all the joy my daughter brings me.
This wrinkle is from laughing at my crazy cats and airhead dog.
I don’t expect you to be excited when your profits are negative. However there are plenty of numbers you can like, even love. Here are some examples;
- Number of new clients
- Number of newsletter subscribers
- The number of articles on your latest offering
- Sales numbers in the past week
Pick just a few positive numbers in your business. When your fears start to creep up, focus on the positive ones. If you someone handed you a check for $50,000 you wouldn’t turn it down because of all the numbers, would you?
Nature abhors a vacuum. You’ll never rid yourself of your fears if you don’t replace them with something positive.
About That World Domination Thing
It seems like a lot of work. And I’ve noticed that the bad guys trying to take over the world are never happy. Seems like a crowded space, with lots of competition and a questionable outcome.
That’s when I decided my mission is to Make Finance Fun.
It’s doable. Not a lot of competition. And by definition I’m going to enjoy it!
It’s Too Late. I’m Too Old.
Fiddlesticks! (Ok, I’m not that old).
I recently met an accomplished entrepreneur, Jeanne Rogers of Presence-The Ultimate Gift. Jeanne is a former teacher who decided to become a paid speaker. As her own business grew she found herself helping others get gigs. So she started a talent agency for local performers, artists and speakers which is also very successful.
Jeanne is 81 years old.
Yes 8 decades plus 1. She started her speaking business at the age of 65. She didn’t start it because she needed the money, she was just ready for the next challenge.
Jeanne also recently began to co-host a local cable show called Generations. After I heard Jeanne’s story I told her that I wanted to be just like her when I turned 81.
While you may feel as though your finances are hopeless, your bookkeeping beyond redemption, and your pricing worse than a blindfolded game of Pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, you can still turn it around. Take off the blindfold, arm yourself with knowledge, and recruit some reinforcements.
It’s never too late to fix your finances and love your numbers.
Final Thoughts
To help my readers face their fear of numbers, and replace it with appreciation, I’ve asked some accomplished bloggers to share their thoughts about the number 40. Not about turning 40, but anything about the number 40 in any way, shape or form. You’re going to be amazed at all the great things 40 can be!
You might also want to check out my free eCourse – Tame Your Fear of Finance.
Nicole Fende is the 40 YEAR OLD Numbers Whisperer®. She’s on a mission to make finance fun. Nicole helps small business owners rock their profits through her consulting, weekly radio show, online TV show, speaking engagements, and her book How to be a Finance Rock Star.